Pepcom Eco-Focus NYC

Not too long ago, the great folks of Pepcom through one of their signature press events in NYC. There’s always a theme and this time was no different. Since it was April and Earth Day wasn’t too long ago, the theme was being green and impacting the environment as little as possible. Here’s a run down of the cool stuff that we came across and think you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for in the near future.

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GIVEAWAY! : NZXT Source 210 Elite


Do you remember this guy? You should because we just talked about it and thought it was a great case. So great in fact that we’re going to give it away!  That’s right, our very first giveaway will be of this awesome little case.


So how do you enter? Well, just find us on twitter (@themardukreport) and leave a comment below with your twitter name and the name of the case below. We’ll use a random number generator and pull a number for the winner. Just like in Highlander, there can be only one winner. There are no runner up prizes this give away, but next time we might have more stuff for you all.

Oh, and the drawing will be open for a week starting from today. That’s May 7th to 14th, 2012 and is open for US residents only. Sorry to any international readers, but we’ve had cases shipped to us from overseas before and they weren’t pretty when we received them. We wouldn’t want broken cases showing up for you.

Noblesse oblige. I pray for your continuing service as a savior.