All posts by Sean-Paul Adams

Growing up the son of a West Coast Video Manager, Sean-Paul has literally been playing video games for as long as he can remember. Starting as a wee little boy in his room with a 7” black and white TV and his Atari 2600 with Tank Plus, not much has changed, just the room and television have gotten bigger. When not gaming, Sean-Paul is usually cooking, watching anime, or riding his bike around Singapore and dreaming up his next computer build.

Review – Aerial7 Tank DIY Headphones

tank diy

We all love a good set of headphones. They let us connect with our favorite music and disconnect with all of the aggravation of the outside world. And with the rise of artist-backed, premium cans, it might seem like everybody and their auntie will try to make a  decent set, with emphasis on the trying part. While that’s great, us common folk might not ever get a chance to try them since they can be rather overpriced. Thankfully, there are companies that produce solid headphones at prices that don’t include paying-for-rapper’s-lifestyles markups. We’re taking a look at one such headset today, the Aerial7 DIY Tank.

Continue reading Review – Aerial7 Tank DIY Headphones

CES Report: Day 2

CES this was huge and Day 2 and 3 were crazy packed with gadgets of all sorts. We finally had enough time to get to the show floor and to start poking around at all of the tech. Unfortunately, there’s no real good vantage point to get a good shot of exactly how big this show is. If you’ve ever been to other large scale conventions like NYCC (New York Comic Con) or Otakon in Baltimore, you’ll have a slight idea of how big this show really was. We can say for sure that CES is much bigger than those shows combined.

Enough of this idle chat though. We know you came here to see all of the goodies that we got to see and play with. And FYI, stayed tuned because we might have a little contest to give away some swag. We’re just saying.

Continue reading CES Report: Day 2

How Sony could make a cheaper PS4 and other companies could come [back] to making hardware


I woke up this morning, the day after the events of the Sony press conference in NYC to announce some specs of the PS4 and another press conference. I wasn’t in attendance as I had other pressing matters, but after reading what seemed like the opinion of every game journalist on the internet I was left feeling dissappointed and relieved at the same time. I, like everyone else, wanted to see a prototype console at the least, but was given a spec sheet and shown what the yet-to-be unveiled system could possibly do. On the flip side, I got some actual work done around the office and home.

Upon waking up this morning, I had a revelation. Not just about the PS4, but about the entire video game console industry. It’s an idea that could change the landscape of video games as we know it, or it could be just noise coming out the side of my of my neck.

Continue reading How Sony could make a cheaper PS4 and other companies could come [back] to making hardware


The first official day of the madness was Tuesday, the 8th. The show floors (yes, there are multiple floors) opened and the crowds began to fill the convention halls and hotel suites. If any of you out there have been to an anime convention, this si very similar to middle day.  If our memory serves us correct, that’s usually a Saturday. The big differences here, outside the lack of anime and overabundance of tech, are that there are many more people in business attire and that nobody smells in a bad way.

So what did we see? Not as much as Monday as we had many meetings with component companies. If that sounds interesting, then click over to Computer Shopper a little later and check out all of the PC building goodness. Otherwise, hit the jump and view some of the interesting things we saw.

Continue reading CES REPORT: DAY 1

CES Report: Day Zero – Pepcom

Another CES has come and gone and most of us are still in the afterglow of the gadget-y, electronic orgasm that befell Las Vegas last week.  We’re were there for the press conferences  to see as many of the new products as we could, and to network like we’ve never networked before. Remember kids, no matter what your profession is, networking is the key to getting everything you want.

Instead of breaking it down by category like many other sites have already done, we’re going to do something different. We’ll be breaking down our coverage by day and showing you the awesome gadgets we saw on the days we we were shown.

Day 0 was Monday and the unofficial start of the madness. The show was to kick off the following day, but that didn’t stop companies from having all kinds of showings and conferences. For us the real fun came at night during Pepcom, a show within CES where over 190 exhibitors showed up to give the press a peek at what they’ll have on the show floor during the week.

Hit the jump and after the break we’ll show you the awesome we saw in the 4 hour rush.

Continue reading CES Report: Day Zero – Pepcom